Tag: Lung Health

Turn Your Body Into a DIY Detox Pump!

This is an exercise I use in practice with patients all the time. We can easily turn the body into a lymphatic pump. The lymph carries away waste, eliminates swelling, edema and infection. Dr. Sean McCaffrey is a physician, speaker, teacher, author, mentor, and radio host. He is the Founder of McCaffrey Health Center and McCaffrey Laboratory….

Discover 5 Powerful Herbs to Support Respiratory Function

We all want healthy lungs.  Unfortunately, chemtrails, secondhand smoke, poor quality food, and aerosol contaminants (to name a few) create a greater risk of respiratory diseases.  To make matters worse, many of the medications doctors prescribe for these respiratory problems have a number of unwanted side effects, including insomnia, nausea, and irritability. The good news…

Exercise and Acute Respiratory Infections: Might Regular Exercise Help Protect Us?

Among the rapid changes that swept in with the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic was a new enthusiasm for exercise. During the first lockdown, my husband, who spent much of his career working on strategies to get the nation exercising, looked on in astonishment at each person striding past our window, kitted out for a walk, and…

For Smokers With Heart Trouble, Quitting Equals the Benefit of 3 Meds: Study

Quitting smoking can give heart disease patients nearly five additional years of life without heart problems, according to a new study. “Kicking the habit appears to be as effective as taking three medications for preventing heart attacks and strokes in those with a prior heart attack or procedure to open blocked arteries,” said study author…

Best Foods for Healthy Lungs

Consuming high amounts of them could extend the life of your lungs while also slashing your risk of heart disease, boosting your memory and improving bone health beyond calcium and vitamin D. STORY AT-A-GLANCE Lung function tends to peak around the age of 30, after which it starts to decline. The rate of decline varies…

Mold Allergies and Asthma

Mold. It grows on bathroom walls, it makes basements smell bad, and it ruins perfectly good loaves of bread. And if you’re allergic to it, there’s a good chance that mold will add to your misery. The spores from common molds function much like the pollen from ragweed. If you inhale the spores, you could…

9 Great Uses for Lavender

A friend of mine calls lavender the “Swiss Army Knife” of essential oils because you can use it in so many ways. I prefer to think of it as the perfect way to start and end my day. From fresh lavender bouquets to dried lavender petals to essence of lavender oil, Mother Nature has created…

6 Lung Cancer Warning Signs That You Should Never Ignore

Cancer has become a worldwide problem and is the second leading cause of death in the United States after heart disease. Lung cancer is one of those diseases that can just creep up on you, and by the time you notice something is wrong, often the cancer is pretty advanced. In fact, in America, lung…

Can Inspiratory Muscle Training Help Patients Recover From Surgery and ICU Treatment for Covid-19?

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought the topic of respiratory rehabilitation to the forefront of patient management. In this blog Dawn Phillips and Dr Maria Pufulete look at why breathing exercises are in demand, who benefits, and how their potential benefit is being tested in patients undergoing surgery in the INSPIRE study, funded by the National Institute for…