Tag: lose weight

[PREMIERE NOW] Can We Lose Weight by ‘Rewiring’ Our Ancient, Survival Eating Instincts?

Does trying to eat less really help you to lose weight? “People who try to eat less are actually very uncomfortable. It’s actually hard to be hungry, and we don’t like it,” says Anna Tobia of the Marcus Institute of Integrative Health at Jefferson University. “So, the best way to lose weight is actually to…

Can We Lose Weight by ‘Rewiring’ Our Ancient, Survival Eating Instincts?

Does trying to eat less really help you to lose weight? “People who try to eat less are actually very uncomfortable. It’s actually hard to be hungry, and we don’t like it,” says Anna Tobia of the Marcus Institute of Integrative Health at Jefferson University. “So, the best way to lose weight is actually to…

5 Fruits to Help You Lose Weight and the Best Time to Eat Them

Many people avoid eating fruit while trying to lose weight due to the sweetness of the fruits. However, Cheng Hanyu, a Taiwanese nutritionist, suggests that as long as you choose the right type of fruit, the nutrients in them can help the body’s metabolism, burn fat, and reduce cardiovascular diseases. Hanyu suggests five fruits that aid…

3 Tips to Easily Lose Weight and Achieve a Flatter Stomach

Modern people generally have excess belly fat due to the ready availability of convenience foods and overeating. The benefit of transportation also leads to people walking and exercising less. Obesity is usually measured according to the body mass index (BMI): BMI = weight (kg) / height ² (m²). Those with BMI greater than 28, are…

Eating Bananas This Way Can Help Weight Loss, Constipation, and Beauty

Bananas are a delicious and popular fruit containing nutrients such as dietary fiber and vitamin B, among others. Bananas are known to be effective in regulating intestinal health, improving constipation and beauty. One famous Japanese doctor also said eating bananas could help with weight loss when eaten in the way he suggested. Dr. Tsuneo Matsuike,…

Balanced Diet, Regular Daily Routine, Aerobic Exercise 7 Ways to Control Calories and Lose Fat Healthily

If you want to lose weight, you must break the “calorie balance,” that is consuming more calories than intake, and after a certain period of time, the body weight will drop. In order to be more effective, some people just aim at reducing calories, but it may cause malnutrition. A nutritionist pointed out that a…

How to Eat While Slimming? Nutritionists Recommend 5 Must-Eat Foods and 4 Healthy Snacks

If you want to successfully lose weight without relapse, two principles should be followed, diet control and regular exercise. A Taiwanese nutritionist, Pang Yi-shan, revealed that the effort ratio should be 70 percent on diet control and 30 percent on exercise in order to lose weight. Diet control not only meant the intake of fruits…

How to Lose Over 50 Pounds Naturally and Painlessly in Every Season According to Japanese Doctor

The festivity has already begun with the smell of pumpkin latte. With Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s Eve approaching, weight loss will soon be the hot topic on the table or be on the New Year’s resolution list for 2022. Studies have confirmed that being overweight and obese increases the risk of deadly diseases. Although…

A Little-Known Way to Healthily Lose Weight: TCM Lowers Lipids, Controls Blood Sugar

During the COVID-19 pandemic, many people stayed at home, and therefore there were more opportunities to spend time eating delicious food. In addition, most gyms and outdoor sports venues were closed due to the pandemic, and therefore many people gained a lot of weight. Yu Jiashan licensed Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) practitioner in Southern California,…

Constipation Can Increase IBD and Cancer Risk: 2 Flavors of Tea Relieve Constipation, Aid Weight Loss

Many people are tormented by constipation. People today have a refined diet, do less exercise, and are more prone to constipation. Almost everyone has suffered from constipation at some time. The daily feeling of calling something out of the body is sometimes painful and can exceed our tolerance. To get rid of constipation, one should…