Tag: Live Q&A

Revealing the Hidden Truth—Behind the ‘Real Story of Jan. 6’ and Exposing the ‘Insurrection’ Narrative

“The Real Story of January 6” revealed the truth that has been hidden from the American people. In this special edition live Q&A, we go into why it was important to expose the “insurrection” narrative and reveal the key events and witnesses that had been ignored. We are also joined by Roman Balmakov, host of…

Video: Live Q&A: 289000 ‘Excess Votes’ in Battleground States?; Sen Hawley Will Object Electoral Vote Count

Senator Josh Hawley became the first to declare that he will object to Joe Biden’s electoral college votes in Congress on Jan. 6. In this live Q&A with Crossroads host Joshua Philipp, we’ll discuss this story and others, and answer questions from the audience. These stories and more in this episode of Crossroads. Crossroads is…

Video: Republicans Sue Pence to Overturn Election Results; House Overrides Trump Veto of 2021 Defense Act

The US House of Representatives voted on December 28 to override Trump’s veto of the 2021 National Defense Authorization Act. The vote now goes to the Senate and could push through regardless of Trump’s move. Also, GOP lawmakers including Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) filed a lawsuit against Vice President Mike Pence in a bid to…

Video: Live Q&A: Virus Relief Bill Accused by Trump of Wasteful Spending

Trump released a video on December 22 suggesting he will block the $900 billion virus Relief Bill unless Congress removes billions of dollars that would be sent to foreign countries and U.S. institutions unrelated to virus relief. Trump also criticized the bill for giving just $600 to the average American. In this live Q&A with…