Tag: Liberate Hong Kong

Political Cartoonist Forced to Leave Hong Kong After His Work Attracted Police Attention

A former assistant professor at the School of Visual Arts of Baptist University (HKBU) and political cartoonist has emigrated to the UK after he was reported to the police for an academic article on the anti-extradition movement in September 2021. Justin Wong, who had focused primarily on satirizing the current social situation in Hong Kong, was…

June 12, 3-Year Anniversary Rally in Manchester UK, Attracts Over 3,000 Supporters

Commemorative activities for the third anniversary of June 12 were held in a number of places in the UK. In the afternoon on June 12 in Manchester, northern England, Hongkongers turned up in droves and held a parade and rally titled “Be water, be united (如水再聚 莫失莫忘).” Organisers estimate that more than 3,000 people participated.  Pro-CCP…