Tag: labeling

Labeling Requirements for Bioengineered Crops in US

The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA’s) newest food labeling rule regulating the disclosure of genetically modified ingredients in foods went into effect in January and uses the term “bioengineered food.” A bioengineered food “has been modified through certain lab techniques and cannot be created through conventional breeding or found in nature,” according to the USDA…

Colorado Officials Scrapping ‘Sex Offender’ Term, Citing ‘Negative Effects’

A Colorado board voted on Friday to no longer recognize the term “sex offender” in official documentation for people who commit sexual offenses to reflect so-called “person-first” language. The Colorado Sex Offender Management Board (SOMB), which controls treatment standards for people convicted of sex crimes, voted 10–6 to call offenders “adults who commit sexual offenses”…