Tag: Joseph Epstein

‘The Novel, Who Needs It?’: Joseph Epstein Replies

In Chapter I of “The Novel, Who Needs It?,” Joseph Epstein includes this snippet of dialogue from Bernard Malamud’s novel “The Assistant”: He asked her what books she was reading. “’The Idiot,’ do you know it?” “No. What’s it about?” “It’s a novel.” “I’d rather read the truth,” he said. “It is the truth.” “The…

Better and Better

Years ago, when asked “How’s it going?” a woman I knew always responded, “I’m getting better and better every day in every way.” This response sounded a bit contrived and hokey, but I assumed this mantra was just part of her personality. Recently, while I was thumbing through Joseph Epstein’s “Wind Sprints,” a collection of…

Dazzled by the World: A Master of the Essay

Ask someone for the title or author of a favorite book, and most could give you an answer. Ask the same question about a favorite poem or poet, and some might come up with a reply. Even a 5-year-old might recite “Mary Had a Little Lamb.” Ask about a favorite essayist, and the responses would…