Tag: Homeschooling

Organizing and Prioritizing Tasks

On a recent getaway with my children and grandkids, I asked my oldest son what was on his mind these days. “Fall,” he said. “Summer’s over, and school is cranking up.” For many of us, the arrival of autumn signals little more than a change in season. The temperature cools, the days grow crisper, and…

Homeschooling to Individual Success

Homeschooling is equally amazing and horrifying to new parents jumping ship from public or private schools. Hoping to provide their children with a safe and individualized education, parents are escaping a dominating ocean liner of an education system—a one-size-fits-all cruise serving a mediocre stale buffet line of homogenous courses and conformity. But once overboard, parents…

Education Is in Shambles

Commentary The single most bizarre aspect of the pandemic policy response was the shutting of schools, public and private. One country never did that—Sweden—and the results were fabulous: zero deaths and zero educational losses. That this was the right choice should have been obvious from the beginning. COVID was never a serious threat to kids,…

Education Freedom and Secretary Betsy DeVos

Commentary Former Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos has come up with a bold, liberating approach to giving younger Americans the best possible education. She calls it education freedom. Education freedom is an important concept because it recognizes both the structural and technological opportunities for learning that have emerged since the development of the school choice…

British Education Secretary U-Turns on School ‘Power Grab’ After Lords Backlash

Education Secretary Nadhim Zahawi has ordered a U-turn on the government’s Schools Bill after a rebellion in the House of Lords ordered a rethink, following accusations of a Whitehall power grab. Under the plans, all schools must become academies, but a scathing rebellion from the Lords, including from former Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher’s architect of…

Hosting a Homeschool Open House

It’s astonishing just how fast the school year zips along to the end, isn’t it? That’s the beauty of homeschooling. Your kids have immense freedom and all the time in the world to immerse themselves in fascinating topics, to dig deeper and fully explore and make discoveries, so the days fly by quickly for everyone….

Kirk Cameron on Parents Embracing Homeschooling: ‘Whoever Controls the Textbooks Controls the Future’

American parents are waking up and taking the responsibility for their children’s education in a way that aligns with their values, says conservative Christian actor and filmmaker Kirk Cameron. “When you drop your kids off at school or the babysitter, there’s a tremendous amount of trust that you’re putting in these people. That trust was…

Kirk Cameron on Homeschooling Comeback: ‘Whoever Controls the Textbooks Controls the Future’

American parents are waking up and taking the responsibility for their children’s education in a way that aligns with their values, says conservative Christian actor and filmmaker Kirk Cameron. “When you drop your kids off at school or the babysitter, there’s a tremendous amount of trust that you’re putting in these people. That trust was…

Russian Roulette in Our Schools

Commentary In the wake of the most recent school shooting in Uvalde, Texas, many parents are at a loss. This might be the shooting that breaks the camel’s proverbial back, primarily because it also recently became so obvious that schools focus less and less on education and more on indoctrination—of materials and ideas that objectively…

How Hybrid Schools Are Reshaping Education

They’re not exactly schools, but they’re not homeschools either. They have elements of structured curriculum and institutional learning, while offering maximum educational freedom and flexibility. They provide a consistent, off-site community of teachers and learners, and prioritize abundant time at home with family. They are not cheap but they are also not exorbitant, with annual…