Tag: Giorgioni

Albrecht Dürer Impresses Venetian Artists of the Renaissance

On Feb. 7, 1506, Albrecht Dürer wrote to tell his friend Wilibald Pickheimer that Giovanni Bellini, then Venice’s leading artist, had not only praised Dürer’s paintings but, amazingly, announced his intention to buy one. Dürer traveled to Venice twice and, on a second visit, he was determined to demonstrate his abilities and those of other…

A 500-Year Debate: Giorgione’s ‘The Tempest’

In Mark Helprin’s novel “A Soldier of the Great War,” we meet Alessandro Giuliani, a young Italian studying philosophy and aesthetics. The Great War—World War I—upends his plans for a career as a professor contemplating art and beauty, and we follow him through battles, imprisonment and near execution by his own army, and capture by…