Tag: four day work week

Is a 4-Day Work Week the Future for Australia?

Commentary “There is no such thing as a free lunch” is an almost iconic popular phrase. I am reminded of this when reflecting on the current trend in many countries to introduce the four-day working week. For example, on Nov. 21, 2022, Belgium implemented a law that enables willing employees to transition to a four-day…

A 4-Day Work Week Sounds Great, But What’s the Cost?

Commentary There is no such thing as a free lunch. So goes the saying. Someone always has to pay. The question is only—who and when? This is a truism based on our experience as a society over millennia of generations. Similarly, there is no such thing as a four-day week with no diminution in income…

Four-Day Week Trial on Cards to Ease Work-Care Juggle

Australia could be getting a national trial of the four-day workweek to see how it improves the lives of those juggling work and caring responsibilities. A parliamentary committee has recommended a federal government-backed trial of the four-day workweek based on the “100:80:100” model, which is where workers keep their entire salary and maintain full productivity…