Tag: Following The Science

Keeping the Faith With ‘Science’

Commentary An interesting article at the RealClearPolitics website by J. Peder Zane recently explained “Why Newspapers Refuse to Correct Errors.” In case you’re a bit pressed for time and don’t want to look it up for yourself, I’ll give you the Reader’s Digest Condensed Books version in a single word. (Spoiler alert!) The word is…

‘Follow the Science’ a Potent Source of Authority for Politicians

News Analysis To hear the way some politicians talk, when it comes to COVID-19, they’re all “Following The Science,” not to mention “The Data.” “Look at the data. Follow the science. Listen to the experts. Be smart,” tweeted now-former New York Governor Andrew Cuomo in May 2020, after “Two Weeks to Flatten the Curve” had…