Tag: fibre

Gut Bacteria Are Linked to Colorectal Cancer, 3 Ways to Improve

Colorectal cancer is one of the most common cancers. A growing number of studies have shown that gut bacteria have a significant impact on the development of colorectal cancer. So how do we cultivate a good gut microbiome to prevent colorectal cancer? Bacteria in the Gut Are Closely Related to Colorectal Cancer Colorectal cancer is…

Constipation 101

D.D. was a 49-year-old normally very pleasant woman who came to see me after four days of increasing pelvic, lower abdominal pain. She went to a local urgent care center where they told her she must have an ovarian cyst. Her ultrasound, however, was negative. It wasn’t rocket science to figure out what the problem…

Add Fiber to Beat Diverticulitis

Diverticulitis can be excruciatingly painful. But adding some bulk to your diet may help tame symptoms and stop them from occurring. It’s possible that bulk may prevent diverticulitis from ever affecting you. What’s bulk? The one and only fiber. Diverticulitis is when little pouches that grow along your intestines—called diverticula—become infected and inflamed. It’s entirely…