Tag: epidemic

Selfless | Documentary

Everywhere you go, heads are down with faces not engaged in one another, which brings forth the question, “Where are we leading the next generation?” Anxiety and narcissism are at the height of their existence, while Gen Z has never known life without iPhone in hand, internet, and social networks. The experiment with technology is…

5 Ways to Boost Your Immune System and Prevent COVID-19

While the world slowly reopens amid the ongoing pandemic, confirmed cases of COVID-19 infections in China are becoming more severe including among younger people, and many have experienced the virus more than once. How do we deal with this ever-mutating virus? Yang Jingduan, an American integrated medical expert, proposed some measures to help boost the…

Article Citing 200 Million Chinese Locked Down in April Censored by Communist Regime

A recent analysis by Shanghai-based Metrodata Tech said during the month of April, 200 million people in China were in a “state of quiescence.” This term describes people in lockdown status due to the strict epidemic controls imposed by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). City-Data Group, a site within China’s WeChat social media platform, posted…

The Next Pandemic: Who Is In Control?

The United States recently announced a $150 million, three-year investment in vaccine production technology to deal with the possible “new infectious disease threats.”  Bill Gates says “We’ll have another pandemic.” If there is a new pandemic, what kind of virus might it be? Can human beings control a pandemic after all? 2 Possibilities for the…

The Covid Narrative Falls Apart in South Africa

Last week, China Daily published an article that perfectly encapsulates the magical thinking taking place worldwide around Covid-19. Titled “Plea for jabs even as Africa infections trend lower,” the piece described how African “health experts” are “stepping up calls for more people to get vaccinated against COVID-19 in a bid to ward off future outbreaks even as…

The Emergency Must Be Ended, Now

Commentary The time has come to terminate the pandemic state of emergency. It is time to end the controls, the closures, the restrictions, the plexiglass, the stickers, the exhortations, the panic-mongering, the distancing announcements, the ubiquitous commercials, the forced masking, the vaccine mandates. We don’t mean that the virus is gone – omicron is still spreading…

Germany to End National ‘Epidemic’ Situation Next Month

BERLIN—The German parliament will not extend the “epidemic situation of national scope” when it expires next month, but will keep in place certain measures to check the spread of the coronavirus, lawmakers said on Wednesday. Leading members of the country’s parliament, or Bundestag, said that although coronavirus infections have been rising again recently, they did…

Without Warning, Visiting Chinese Become Trapped in City Under Lockdown

More than 30 college students have been trapped under lockdown in Yangzhou city during their summer internship, due to a surge in CCP virus infections. An unknown number of other visitors were also affected when the city unexpectedly announced the lockdown. On July 28, local officials announced outbreaks in “hotspots” and initiated the lockdown in the…

Flood Report Not Allowed Amid Party Celebration

On July 1, Chinese leader Xi Jinping repeated his old slogan again on the Tower of Tiananmen Square in Beijing: “This country is its people; the people are the country.” Ironically, people across China are suffering from floods, but none of the top leaders of the Chinese communist regime even bother to visit any of…

CCP Creates New Disease Prevention Agency Admitting Deficiencies in the Previous System

The CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus outbreak that originated in Wuhan, China, is causing a substantial loss of life to China’s neighboring country, India. At the same time, the CCP’s sudden establishment of a new agency called the National Bureau of Disease Control and Prevention is attracting international attention. On April 28, the Ministry of…