The United States Postal Service (USPS) has announced plans to make at least 40 percent of its new delivery fleet electric. Back in February, the USPS had already said that it would procure 165,000 New Generation Delivery Vehicle (NGDV) trucks from Oshkosh Defense, of which 10 percent would be electric. But in a July 20…
US Postal Service Set to Make 40 Percent of New Mail Trucks Electric
July 24, 2022
Business & MarketsCompanieseconomyelectric truckselectric vehicle (EV)Environmentenvironmental groupsPolicies & ImpactsScienceSocial IssuesUSUS NewsUSPS - U.S. Postal Service
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Biden DOJ Backs Trump-Era Approval of Line 3 Pipeline Opposed by Environmental Groups
June 24, 2021
BusinessCompaniesDepartment of JusticeEconomiesenvironmental groupsline 3 pipelineMarketsPoliticsRegional-Local NewsUSUS News
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The Biden administration has backed the validity of a Trump-era environmental assessments and subsequent approval of a controversial Minnesota pipeline project that environmental groups have sued to block. In a 65-page legal brief filed on Wednesday (pdf), the Department of Justice (DOJ) argued that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ 2020 approval of Enbridge Inc.’s Line…
US News
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