Tag: Education & Family News

IN-DEPTH: Summer Camps for Children Identifying as Transgender Open Across US

Across America, there’s a growing number of summer camps that welcome only children who don’t identify with their biological sex. These overnight camps connect hundreds of children who identify as transgender, nonbinary, and gender non-conforming. Attending such camps is likely to create lasting gender dysphoria in children who likely would otherwise leave that phase behind,…

California Bill Blocking School Boards From Excluding ‘Diverse’ Books Advances

A California Assembly bill that would prohibit school boards from excluding books that contain “diverse perspectives”—including critical race theory and gender ideology—is another step closer to becoming law. After passing the state Assembly in May, Assembly Bill 1078 passed 5–2 in the Senate Education Committee July 5, with Sens. Rosilicie Ochoa Bogh (R-Yucaipa) and Scott Wilk…

Florida Mom Says School Ignored TikTok ‘Death Threat’ Targeting Her Child

What started as a dispute between a parent and principal in Florida over alleged elementary-school cyberbullying has escalated. Now the angry Polk County mother is attempting to hold her daughter’s school and the entire district school board responsible for what she sees as chronic mishandling of bullying reports. The dispute began when a 5th-grade girl at Rosabelle…

Musk: It’s ‘Time for Parents to Fight Back’ Against Gender Ideology

Tesla CEO Elon Musk is once again speaking out against transgender politics, calling upon parents to “fight back” and protect their children from the ideology. “Time for parents to fight back!” the billionaire wrote on Twitter on July 9 in response to a TikTok video posted by an irate father. “I’m literally on fire right…

FDA Asked to Investigate Energy Drink Due to Potential Harms for Children

Senate majority leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) has called on the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to look into a popular energy drink which he says is posing health risks to children. “PRIME Energy Drink has so much caffeine that it could endanger kids’ health. But it’s being marketed to kids! Parents and pediatricians are…

FDA Urged to Investigate Energy Drink Due to Potential Harms to Children

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) is urging the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to look into a popular energy drink that he says is posing health risks to children. “PRIME Energy Drink has so much caffeine that it could endanger kids’ health. But it’s being marketed to kids! Parents and pediatricians are worried….

Dispute Breaks Out Over Which Indigenous Group Has the Right to Conduct Traditional Ceremony

Two Aboriginal men have clashed over which clan had the right to hold a traditional Indigenous smoking ceremony at the opening of a major highway in Western Australia. The incident comes as Australians prepare to vote on a national referendum on whether to change the country’s Constitution to include greater recognition of Aboriginal interests. On…

Maine High School Pays Drag Performer $1,000 to Host Catered Workshop for LGBT Students

Dominick Varney, known as Priscilla Poppycocks when performing in drag, paints his social media page with sexual innuendo. Yet Maine’s Bangor High School (BHS) paid him $1,000 to put on a workshop with a theme of his choice for LGBT students in May. “I just know you are a role model for these kids, and…

Judge Allows Tennessee Law Shielding Minors From Transgender Procedures to Take Effect

On Saturday, Chief Judge Jeffrey Sutton of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit issued a preliminary injunction that allows Tennessee’s law to prohibit health care providers from performing or administering cross-sex procedures on minors to take place, a week after a federal judge blocked it. “Because Tennessee is likely to succeed on…

IN-DEPTH: Former Navy SEAL’s Program Aims to Train Teachers, Law Officers, and Others to Be ‘The Good Guy With a Gun’

Nathan Eberhardt was in a “classroom” when he heard gunshots down the hall. As screams pierced the air, he drew his gun and ordered his “students” to take cover. He took his mark and was determined that any threat who came through the door to get to the children would have to go through him…