Tag: COP28

Government Seeking Agreement with UN to Phase Out Use of Unabated Fossil Fuels, Guilbeault Says

The federal government is eyeing the possibility of making this year’s COP28 climate-change conference the first ever to “acknowledge the need” for U.N. countries to completely phase out their use of unabated fossil fuels, says Environment Minister Steven Guilbeault. “For COP28, we need to identify every possible opportunity to increase our collective ambition and update our climate and environmental…

Feds Pledge $450 Million Towards UN Climate Change Fund

The federal government is committing $450 million towards the United Nations’ (UN) Green Climate Fund (GCF), which Environment Minister Steven Guilbeault’s department says is intended to help developing countries establish their own “clean energy transitions and climate-resilient sustainable development.” Mr. Guilbeault’s department says the funding will go toward the “second replenishment” of the GCF, which the Environment Department calls…