Tag: common sense

Winning the Opium Wars on American Will

Commentary In early August Economic Information Daily, a communist Chinese government mouthpiece, accused the multibillion-dollar online video game industry of peddling “spiritual opium” to Chinese teenagers. Comparing video game playing to opium addiction has explicit historical and national security connections. Opium addiction, spurred by Great Britain, undermined China’s social and political cohesion and physically harmed…

Independence and ‘Common Sense’

In 1774, an Englishman named Thomas Paine, having met Benjamin Franklin and received letters of introduction from him, immigrated to Pennsylvania and entered the print media industry. Paine’s ties to Franklin thrust him into revolutionary circles almost immediately, and, at his American friends’ urging, in early January 1776, he published an essay called “Common Sense.”…

Following ‘the Science’ and Rejecting Common Sense

Commentary Every time I hear Democrats sermonize about following “the science,” I feel as though I’m listening to members of the Flat Earth Society. Science is what the Left wants to believe to be true. It has become a way to shut off debate, not advance it. Remember: These were the fools who told us…