Tag: Cesar Chavez

Actually, California’s Farm Union Bill Is Anti-Democracy

Commentary Quoting President Biden, Los Angeles Times California columnist Anita Chabria recently tried to make Assembly Bill 2183, the farm union bill, appear pro-democracy, when it’s actually anti-democracy. The bill is by Assemblyman Mark Stone (D-Monterey Bay). For votes to unionize agricultural workers, the bill would replace a democratic system of anonymous ballots with a…

Cesar Chavez Opposed Illegal Immigration

Commentary Gustavo Arellano, an excellent reporter, just published a column in the Los Angeles Times, “Cesar Chavez’s grandson wants to introduce his ‘Tata’ to a new generation.” Arellano asked the grandson about the grandfather’s “long-standing opposition to illegal immigration, stances that have made him an unlikely cudgel for anti-immigrant activists.” The grandson responded: “‘Is that…

What Is Cesar Chavez Day?

Celebrated by many in California on March 31 every year, Cesar Chavez Day honors the enduring legacy of Mexican-American human rights activist Cesar Chavez. In 2014, former U.S. President Barack Obama declared March 31 a national holiday while California recognized it as a state holiday. In the Golden State, schools, government offices, and courts are…

Biden Removes Andrew Jackson Portrait, Churchill Bust, Military Flags In Oval Office Decor Shakeup

As with past U.S. leaders, President Joe Biden’s new Oval Office decor hints at the landscape of attitudes that are likely to reflect the tone and priorities of his administration. “It was important for President Biden to walk into an Oval that looked like America and started to show the landscape of who he is…