Tag: Bureau of Labor Statistics

A Michigan City Is Best Place to Live in America in 2023, Experts Say

The city of Ann Arbor in Michigan is the best place to live in the United States in 2023, according to a new study examining experts’ opinions. Research company StudyFinds looked at 10 expert lists to round up the top five best places to live in the United States this year, based on everything from climate…

Devil in the Details? November Jobs Report May Have Been Broken

The November jobs report topped market expectations for the seventh consecutive month, showing robust growth at 263,000 new jobs last month. But economists are beginning to notice a divergence within the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ (BLS) monthly snapshot of non-farm payrolls. The difference rests in the Establishment and Household surveys. Jobs Report: Establishment vs. Household…

No One Is Winning, Especially Not Americans

Commentary Because everything nowadays is, it seems, little more than a game of partisan football, whatever one side does, the other reflexively denounces it before giving it a second thought. Common sense is cast aside in the almost all-out war of narratives, a fact proven repeatedly during the pandemic. Now as that debacle finally fades…

Has Inflation Peaked? White House Admits Maybe Not

Jared Bernstein, a member of the White House Council of Economic Advisers, has admitted that inflation might not have hit its highest level yet. In an interview with Saleha Mohsin, senior Washington correspondent for Bloomberg News, Bernstein was asked about the inflation situation. “I’ve seen folks say that the peak is behind us. I’m just…

White House Expecting ‘Extraordinarily’ High Inflation in March

The Biden administration warned that inflation numbers in March could be very high, ahead of the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BIS) inflation report scheduled to be released on Tuesday. “We expect March CPI headline inflation to be extraordinarily elevated due to Putin’s price hike,” White House press secretary Jen Psaki said to reporters on April…

US Employment, Wage Growth Miss Expectations for December

News Analysis Payrolls increased by almost 200,000 last December according to the new data by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, continuing a downward trend for total unemployment but underperforming relative to previous expectations. On Friday, the Department of Labor released its widely studied monthly jobs report (pdf), which described a month of steady but significantly…