Tag: Build Back Better Act

Heritage Foundation Op-Ed Warns Against Build Back Better Inflation ‘Boondoggle’

A new opinion editorial by an influential conservative think tank pulls no punches as it attacks what remains of President Joe Biden’s “Build Back Better” agenda, calling the current iteration of the plan an inflationary “boondoggle” that would harm consumers by imposing price controls on common pharmaceuticals. On Thursday, the Heritage Foundation published a new…

House Proposal Will Hike Taxes on Lower- and Middle-Income Americans: Bipartisan Congressional Panel

Taxes will go up for millions of lower- and middle-income taxpayers under the House Democrats’ version of President Joe Biden’s Build Back Better plan, according to two new analyses by the non-partisan professional staff of the congressional Joint Committee on Taxation (JCT). “While Republican tax reform in 2017 cut taxes for all Americans, and increased…

Why Is Estate Planning More Important Now Than Ever Before?

By Tom Wheelwright President Biden’s Build Back Better plan has an abundance of tax changes that, if implemented, could significantly decrease the amount of wealth that you can leave to your family. These potential changes are a great reason to begin reevaluating your estate planning now before it’s too late. What’s at Stake? So, why is…

Senators Ask Why Mayorkas’ DHS Withheld Visa Overstays, Afghan Evacuee Vetting Reports

Two vital Department of Homeland Security (DHS) reports were not given to the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Government Affairs (HSGAC) despite being required by law to do so, according to two Republican senators. The 2020 Entry/Exit Overstay Report on visas held by foreign individuals residing in the United States has been published on…

Thank You, Sen. Manchin

Commentary The saying, “One man with courage makes a majority” has been attributed by historians to different sources. But regardless of who said it, there is one man who stands out today worthy of this description. It’s West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin. Manchin has been a one-man show in the Democratic Party, standing often in…

White House Staff Did ‘Inexcusable’ Things in BBB: Manchin

The White House’s staff put out “inexcusable” proposals and programs in the $1.85 trillion Build Back Better Act (BBB), Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W. Va.) has said during in an interview with a West Virginia radio station. Manchin kicked off a panic among Democrats on Dec. 19 when he announced in a Fox News Sunday interview that he…

Build Back Better-Funded IRS Would Be ‘Nightmare’ for American Families: GOP Memo

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Cali.) distributed a memo (pdf) to GOP lawmakers Thursday claiming that the expanded provisions in President Biden’s social spending bill will result in an additional 1.2 million IRS audits each year. Nearly 50 percent of the audits—over 583,000—would be targeted at families earning less than $75,000, and 25 percent—over 313,000—at…

Build Back Better—Wasting Trillions

Commentary As Democrats regroup to try to pass their $2 trillion Build Back Better Act, pressure grows for shining the light of fiscal responsibility on all this. Given President Joe Biden’s crashing approval ratings, there is some hint that the American people smell a rat. One sign of the smell of that rat is the…

Secret Behind Anti-CRT School Board Wins; Is Build Back Better Mass Amnesty?

It was true for Virginia’s gubernatorial race and for many school board elections across the country this month—a key issue was the debate over teaching critical race theory (CRT) in K-12 classrooms. What’s less known is the secret sauce behind why many anti-CRT candidates won at the local level. Ryan Girdusky, who founded the “1776…

Democrats’ Proposed Build Back Better Act a Gift to Unions, Report Says

Provisions in the Democrats’ proposed “Build Back Better Act,” a massive social spending bill that will cost trillions of dollars, will boost labor union coffers by billions of dollars, according to a new report from the Freedom Foundation in Washington state. In the report, Maxford Nelsen, director of labor policy for the Freedom Foundation, states…