Tag: Brazilian Supreme Court

Brazilian Authorities Response to Jan. 8 Riots Still Raise Questions

Commentary After more than three months, questions continue to emerge over the “assault” on government buildings in Brazil’s capital city on Jan. 8. Army general Gonçalves Dias is the head of Brazil’s Institutional Security Bureau (GSI), which advises the president on defence and security matters and handles presidential security. However, Dias resigned after a CNN…

Blocking the Brazilian President’s Social Media: Supreme Court’s Threat to Democracy

Commentary In Brazil, some judges have highly ambitious political goals and make decisions accordingly. The current presiding justice at the nation’s Supreme Electoral Court is Alexandre de Moraes. He was elected as the presiding electoral officer in August, in a public ceremony with 2,000 guests at the court auditorium. He was a member of the…

The Brazilian Judiciary’s Encroachment on Individual Rights

Commentary To protect the fundamental rights of Brazilians, President Jair Bolsonaro announced the lifting of public health measures that were still in place in the country in April, with the health minister, Marcelo Queiroga,  putting an end to such measures after signing a decree on April 22. But the fact is that the president could…

How an Increasingly Politicized Supreme Court Threatens Brazil’s Democracy

Commentary When the then head of the top electoral court in Brazil, Supreme Court Justice José Dias Toffoli, officially declared Jair Bolsonaro the winner of the 2018 presidential elections, he made this unusual pronouncement: “The future president must respect institutions, must respect democracy, the rule of law, the judiciary branch, the National Congress, and the…