Tag: Bathrooms

Arkansas Bill Would Ban Students From Using Opposite-Sex Bathrooms, Changing Rooms

An Arkansas state House committee has advanced a bill that would require all school students to use the bathrooms that correspond to the biological sex listed on their birth certificates, with the bill’s sponsor insisting that children have a “right to privacy and to feel safe” in school bathrooms. House Bill 1156 (pdf) would apply to…

Conservatives Fear Schools Being Pressed to Accept Transgender Pronouns, Bathrooms and Showers

Texas school boards are being pressured to adopt policies giving transgender students the right to use preferred pronouns, school bathrooms, locker rooms, and showers, according to conservatives who feel schools are stepping on parental rights. The Texas American Civil Liberties Union presented a “best practices” program on transgender student legal issues based on Biden’s Department…

22 States Sue Over ‘Gender Identity’ Rule Controlling $29 Billion For Poor Kids’ Meals

Twenty-two states are suing President Joe Biden’s administration for threatening to zap school-meal program funding unless the states comply with new rules surrounding gender identity and sexual orientation in schools. The lawsuit represents the latest volley fired in the ongoing battles between state officials and Biden, who they accuse of usurping their authority through his…

Six Home Inspection Hotspots

Dear Monty: We will be starting our home search soon. We have not toured a physical home but have seen a few videos. We will not buy a home without a home inspection. We want to know where to pay close attention. When we begin touring houses, we wonder if there are any “hotspots” we…

Tips to Avoid Typical Bathroom Design Errors

Dear James: We are in the planning stages to add a half-bathroom on our first floor for my elderly mother. What are some basic design tips to consider and errors to avoid? —Cathy D. Dear Cathy: As our population ages, adding a first-floor full or half-bathroom is becoming a typical home improvement project. Although this…