Category: Yunnan

Chinese Muslims Clash With Police Over Partial Demolition of Mosque in Yunnan

Chinese Muslims in Yunnan Province clashed with armed police in an attempt to stop the communist regime’s forced partial demolition of a local mosque. Several viral videos on social media showed that many protesters gathered at the entrance of Najiaying Mosque in Nagu Town of Yuxi City in China’s southwestern province Yunnan on May 27….

China’s Wandering Elephants Becoming International Stars

BEIJING—Already famous at home, China’s wandering elephants are now becoming international stars. Major global media are chronicling the herd’s more than yearlong, 300-mile trek from their home in a wildlife reserve in mountainous southwest Yunnan province to the outskirts of the provincial capital of Kunming. Twitter and YouTube are full of clips of their various…

Chinese People Take Rescues Into Their Own Hands After 2 Massive Earthquakes, 2,750 Tremors

China had two intense earthquakes in the past two days, with at least 2,754 foreshocks and aftershocks affecting areas across western China. Many residents in quake-hit areas of Yunnan and Qinghai provinces told The Epoch Times that they had to take rescues into their own hands as help didn’t arrive soon enough. They also said that…

COVID-19 Cases Keep Emerging in Southwest China, Despite Authorities’ ‘Zero Infections’ Claim

Since a new wave of COVID-19 broke out in China’s Yunnan Province last month, local infection cases continue to be reported. More locally transmitted cases have been confirmed this week, despite the Chinese regime’s claim of  “zero local infections.” China’s Health Commission released an update on its official website, claiming that there were 12 confirmed cases…

Chinese Authorities Block Foreign Media’s Probe Into Origin of Covid-19 Prior to WHO’s Visit

The BBC and the Associated Press (AP) recently reported that Chinese authorities prevented their journalists from visiting mineshafts and bat caves in China’s Yunnan Province, where a team of Chinese scientists conducted research on the source of the CCP virus, which sparked the COVID-19 pandemic. Meanwhile, the World Health Organization will send a team of…

Chinese Authorities Block Foreign Media’s Probe Into Origin of CCP Virus Prior to WHO’s Visit

The BBC and the Associated Press (AP) recently reported that Chinese authorities prevented their journalists from visiting mineshafts and bat caves in China’s Yunnan Province, where a team of Chinese scientists conducted research on the source of the CCP virus, which sparked the COVID-19 pandemic. Meanwhile, the World Health Organization will send a team of…