Category: Yellowstone park

How to Plan a Photo Safari

The traditional image of a safari may find you searching for zebras and lions roaming the African veldt as you bounce along a rutted trail in a dusty Land Rover, but there are other closer-to-home, photos-only options to consider. A photo safari is similar to a traditional hunting safari, with the distinct difference that in…

Book Review: ‘Burning Ground’: A Time Traveler’s Escape From Tragedy Into Romance and Yellowstone History

“Burning Ground” by D.A. Galloway is part time-travel, part travelogue, part historical fiction, part romance, and part survival guide. The book is many things and therein lies its positives and its negatives. The book begins in 1971 with an immensely tragic moment for the protagonist Graham Davidson and his family. Tragedy multiplied becomes the basis…