Category: workforce housing

Critics: Irvine’s Workforce Housing Could Spell Financial Trouble for City

IRVINE, Calif.—As Irvine looks to make more than 1,000 apartment units more affordable for middle-income people through a new housing proposal, critics say it could have detrimental financial impacts on the city. “Middle-income housing,” also known as “workforce housing,” are residential units rented out at below-market rates to the “missing middle”—renters who are earning too…

California’s Workforce Housing Program Explained | Casey McKeon

Cities across California are considering offering workforce housing. Workforce housing projects will require cities to borrow money, purchase apartment buildings, and rent them to middle-class tenants at a discounted rate. My guest is Casey McKeon, real estate developer and vice president of acquisitions at Heslin Holdings. He discusses how the workforce housing program works and…

Costa Mesa Decides to Not Pursue Workforce Housing

The City of Costa Mesa decided to not pursue a request to create workforce housing for low and middle-income residents at their Oct. 19 council meeting. The request would have enabled the city to purchase 580 Anton Boulevard, a 250 unit complex, near South Coast Plaza for $171 million through government-affiliated bonds with a 35-year…