Category: wasted government spending

​​Examples of Counterproductive Government Policies

Commentary Let me acknowledge to my libertarian friends that the title of this article makes a debatable concession in that it implies that some government policies are productive. Other readers of this newspaper may find the common libertarian assertion that “Everything the government touches turns to garbage” too cynical. In this article, I’m not going…

Hamsters on Steroids and ‘Romantic’ Parrots Part of Rand Paul’s ‘Festivus’ Report of $482 Billion Wasted Federal Spending

Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) recently released “The Festivus Report 2022” detailing what he considers the wasteful spending policies of the Biden administration, including large interest payments on debts, COVID-19 funds granted to ineligible individuals, maintaining empty federal buildings, and more. “Last Festivus, we lamented over the national debt reaching an astronomical $28.4 trillion. Shockingly, in…