Category: Voice of America

The CCP’s Control of its Complex Global Media Apparatus Obscures the Spread of Communist Ideology (Part 2)

The Chinese Qiao Bao newspaper has many news reports from Xinhua News Agency and China News Service, representing the official voice and viewpoint of the CCP. Besides reporting local news about Chinese community activities, most news pages are directly contracted and transmitted from mainland China. The alignment of Qiao Bao with the CCP discourse can…

62 Hong Kong Unions and Civic Societies Were Forced to Dissolve Under the National Security Law

Two years after the implementation of the national security law in Hong Kong, civic society life is becoming more dire by the day. A report was recently released by the Hong Kong Labour Rights Monitor, founded by Mung Siu-tat, former executive secretary of the now dissolved, Hong Kong Confederation of Trade Unions, confirming that many…

China Insider: Defense Bill Orders U.S. Treasury to Probe Chinese Money Laundering

The U.S. Treasury Department will investigate the risks posed by China’s money laundering and develop a strategy to defend against it, as required by the National Defense Authorization Act of 2021.