Category: vital signs

Can Depression, Anxiety, PTSD be treated with psychedelics? –Dr. Bernardo Merizalde, MD

Psychiatrist Explains Psychedelics for PTSD, Depression, Anxiety – Dr. Bernardo Merizalde, MD According to a 2020 study published in the American Journal of Psychiatry, psychedelics hold promise for treating depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). However, the study also concludes that psychedelics are not currently considered suitable for widespread treatment. Nonetheless, there is a…

What happens when mRNA tech is used in flu vaccines? Higher effectiveness or higher danger?

The two mRNA vaccines – Pfizer and Moderna – had no impact on overall mortality a re-analysis of trial data shows. While they prevented some Covid-19 deaths this was offset by higher cardiovascular-related deaths for the vaccinated. The jury is largely out on how big the cardiovascular fallout of the mRNA vaccines will be pending…

NAC – used for Vax Detox – Could Also Offer Parkinson’s Breakthrough

Last time we looked at how n-acetylcysteine (NAC) can help detox the body of harmful substances from mRNA vaccines (see link below). This time we look at the potential breakthrough that NAC could offer to Parkinson’s Disease sufferers. Professor of integrative medicine and nutritional sciences (Marcus Institute), Dr Daniel Monti reveals the dramatic changes in…

Quercetin works like hydroxychloroquine to stop viruses, but more safely?

Like hydroxychloroquine, quercetin can stop viruses replicating – with low to no side effects Quercetin is an anti-inflammatory, antiviral compound used to treat Covid-19, influenza, and other viruses. Inflammation causing respiratory failure is the main reason people die from Covid-19. How can quercetin help to curb this and other inflammation issues? Quercetin can shut down…

Struggling with REM Sleep? Castor Oil and Other Surprising Solutions!

How do we get more REM sleep? Castor oil and other methods. Michael Jackson forgot standard dances and words to songs he’d sung for decades when he went 60 days without REM sleep. He even talked to himself, heard voices, and lost a lot of weight while deprived of REM. What vital processes in our…

Super antioxidant n-acetylcysteine (NAC) can help rid your body mRNA vaccine toxins

The spike-protein dangers of the mRNA vaccines are now widely known, but that’s not the only concern:. An Italian study has found evidence of metallic materials in vaccine samples. Which vaccines have been found to contain graphene oxide, and how can this material affect the body’s immune system? In this edition of #Vitalsigns with Brendon…

Can mRNA Vax Toxins Be Countered With N-acetylcysteine (NAC)?

Super antioxidant n-acetylcysteine (NAC) can help rid your body mRNA vaccine toxins The spike-protein dangers of the mRNA vaccines are now widely known, but that’s not the only concern:. An Italian study has found evidence of metallic materials in vaccine samples. Which vaccines have been found to contain graphene oxide, and how can this material…

Is Your Tap Water Really Safe?

Is bottled “mineral water” really what it claims to be? Is alkaline water really healthier? Is your tap water hard water? It’s high in calcium and magnesium, which our bodies need. But, which type of filter can stop us getting too much? Is drinking eight glasses a day set in stone? What factors like gender…

Which water is best to drink – filtered, tap water, distilled, mineral?

Is bottled “mineral water” really what it claims to be? Is alkaline water really healthier? Is your tap water hard water? It’s high in calcium and magnesium, which our bodies need. But, which type of filter can stop us getting too much? Is drinking eight glasses a day set in stone? What factors like gender…

This is Destroying Your Child’s Mind

Is social media pushing our young towards screen addiction? Why does a former Facebook exec block his children from using social media? Why is Apple’s chief exec the same? Is it due to the chemical changes that happen in the brain when one is using these apps – that unnervingly resemble drug addiction? These days,…