Category: Victorian Chamber of Commerce and Industry

States Urged to Relax COVID-19 Rules: Australian Business Groups

Peak business bodies are calling for state governments across Australia to abolish the seven-day isolation requirements for close contacts of people with COVID-19. Business (New South Wales (NSW) and the Victorian Chamber of Commerce and Industry said it was necessary to remove those rules to mitigate labour shortages. They proposed that those identified as close…

‘Not the Time’: Victorian Industry Groups Criticize Sick Pay Guarantee For Casual Workers

Victoria’s industry groups have criticised the Andrews Government’s new Australian-first “sick pay guarantee” scheme for casual workers as not “necessary.” “Now is not the time for another cost to taxpayers when casual workers already have additional loading catered for their hourly wage,” Paul Guerra from Chief Executive from Victorian Chamber of Commerce and Industry said…

Firms Rank Victoria As The Toughest Place To Do Business in Australia

Over half of Australian businesses have evaluated Victoria as the most challenging state to do business in the country, adding that they have to pay the highest taxes nationally. The Victorian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI) released a new report introducing its first index that ranked the cost of operating business in all states…