Category: Vaccines & Safety

Health Canada Exec Debates Ivermectin’s Effectiveness for COVID-19 Before Labour Board

During a recent Labour Board hearing, a senior Health Canada official defended her department’s decision to recommend against using ivermectin to treat COVID-19, while public service employees fighting the vaccination mandate said its use could have saved lives and billions of dollars. A key argument among those who opposed mandatory COVID vaccination was that alternative…

[PREMIERING 7:30PM ET] Aaron Siri on Missouri v. Biden, First Amendment Jurisprudence, Basic Freedoms, Separation of Powers | ATL:NOW

“I think this might be one of the most consequential decisions in First Amendment jurisprudence in 200 years. You have a federal judge, in a case brought by two states in America—so, two attorney generals: Missouri and Louisiana—saying that the federal government has violated the First Amendment of the United States Constitution by colluding widely…

The Rise of POTS in the COVID-19 and Vaccine Era

The COVID-19 pandemic casts a concerning shadow in the form of Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome, or POTS. This perplexing health issue, marked by a significant surge in heart rate when standing, is gaining increasing attention in the medical community due to a rise in cases. Two Journeys, One Diagnosis Phoebe Eaton and Aubrey George, two…

One-in-Five Canadians Hesitant to Receive Further COVID-19 Boosters: Survey

Around one-in-five Canadians are hesitant to get a future COVID-19 booster shot, with nearly 60 percent of those reluctant saying they had concerns with the vaccine’s safety, according to in-house research by the Department of Health. Respondents who were reluctant to get a COVID-19 booster dose cited concerns about the safety or potential side effects as…

Significant COVID-19 Vaccine Study Censored by a Medical Journal Within 24 Hours

A systematic review of 325 autopsies showing COVID-19 vaccination caused or significantly contributed to 74 percent of deaths was removed from The Lancet’s preprint SSRN server within 24 hours, adding to an increasing number of censored studies on the potential harms of COVID-19 vaccines. The study, published July 5, examined all autopsies published in peer-reviewed…

Maine Becomes Latest US State to End COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates for Health Care Workers

The Maine Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) has filed a proposal with the secretary of state to remove the COVID-19 vaccine mandate for health care workers. In a July 11 press release, the department said the proposal was based on evolving scientific evidence and trends including available clinical and epidemiological data about COVID-19, increased…

Music for Healing: A Houston-Area Concert to Aid the Vaccine Injured

In September 2021, the Houston Symphony issued a side-letter to the contract with its musicians, mandating that any musician not fully vaccinated for COVID-19 by the end of the month would be stripped of pay and health benefits. Cellist Jeffrey Butler was one of five musicians who declined to be vaccinated on religious grounds. “Your…

Paper on Post-Vax Autopsies Swiftly Removed After Attracting ‘Special Attention’: Dr. Peter McCullough

A Lancet review of autopsy data of over 300 post-COVID-19 vaccination deaths would challenge the mainstream narrative on the safety of the shots, but was removed within 24 hours of the initial submission, said cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough, the paper’s leading author and prominent COVID vaccine skeptic. “The government narrative is still that people do…

2 Types of Vaccinated or Long-COVID Patients Have a Higher Risk of Blood Clots

People grappling with long COVID and vaccine injury have one more potential problem to worry about: blood clots. Some are more likely to find themselves caught up in this conundrum than others, and the reason may be beyond their control. Tiny blood clots, often called microclots, can wreak havoc on the body. Forming in small blood…

What Post-Vaccination Autopsies Show: Dr. Peter McCullough on New Analysis, Removed by Lancet | ATL:NOW

“The government narrative is still that people do not die after COVID-19 vaccination. And now we have the largest series of autopsies. And the autopsies really are incontrovertible,” says Dr. Peter McCullough, an internist, cardiologist, and epidemiologist. We discuss the paper he co-wrote, which did a systematic review of autopsies after COVID-19 vaccination that were…