Category: US forces

LIVE at 10:30 AM ET: Thought Surveillance Tech Launches This Year; China Could Trigger War Ahead of 2025

Tools to monitor your brain activity are set to release this year, and already there are groups proposing how it can be used by businesses to monitor the thoughts of employees, and by law enforcement to spot potential criminals. The technology and its potential uses were discussed at the recent World Economic Forum meeting in…

LIVE NOW: Thought Surveillance Tech Launches This Year; China Could Trigger War Ahead of 2025

Tools to monitor your brain activity are set to release this year, and already there are groups proposing how it can be used by businesses to monitor the thoughts of employees, and by law enforcement to spot potential criminals. The technology and its potential uses were discussed at the recent World Economic Forum meeting in…

Thought Surveillance Tech Launches This Year; China Could Trigger War Ahead of 2025

Tools to monitor your brain activity are set to release this year, and already there are groups proposing how it can be used by businesses to monitor the thoughts of employees, and by law enforcement to spot potential criminals. The technology and its potential uses were discussed at the recent World Economic Forum meeting in…

LIVE 1/31 at 10:30 AM ET: Thought Surveillance Tech Launches This Year; China Could Trigger War Ahead of 2025

Tools to monitor your brain activity are set to release this year, and already there are groups proposing how it can be used by businesses to monitor the thoughts of employees, and by law enforcement to spot potential criminals. The technology and its potential uses were discussed at the recent World Economic Forum meeting in…

Okinawa: As Important as Ever

Commentary These days Okinawa isn’t in the news much—being overshadowed by the looming Chinese military threat, North Korean missile launches, a war in Ukraine, the COVID-19 pandemic, and attendant global economic turmoil. This is the 50th year since the United States relinquished its occupation and returned Okinawa to Japan. American forces have remained on Okinawa…