Category: table

Allegedly Made from James Madison’s Cedar Tree, This One-of-a-Kind Heirloom Table is a Homage to the American Constitution

Eric Horton, manager of the Klingspor’s Woodworking Shop in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, was in for a surprise the day his lumber buyer came across some original tree slabs from Founding Father James Madison’s estate. The slab that really piqued Horton’s interest was a cedar one allegedly gifted by the Marquis de Lafayette to James Madison…

Woman Sends Granddaughter to Lone Elderly Man’s Table to Ask Him to Join Them, Prompting Double Kindness

An Australian couple were dining with their grandchildren when they noticed a lone elderly man at a nearby table. Something about the sight of the man in his 90s touched their heart, and what they did next has tugged at netizens’ heartstrings. Ali and Chris were at a Chinese restaurant in Yarrawonga, a town in the…