Category: subscriber

America and Our Future

I am a 76-year-old retired school teacher (39 years high school health), two-year army veteran, a two-time Olympian, and, most importantly, an American. I am deeply concerned with the direction of our country. For a number of reasons, we don’t think of ourselves as Americans but as either Democrat or Republican. You don’t see any…

The Final Solution

The phrase “pandemic of the unvaccinated” has become widespread. We find it repeated ad nauseam in liberal print, TV, and social media. The unvaccinated among us are now viewed and referenced by many with the same disdain as were Jewish folk in National Socialist Germany.  In fact, the so-called vaccination passports promoted by America’s own…

Opinion, Knowledge and Truth

Granted, our public education system leaves a lot to be desired, with their indoctrination practices, but everyone born in this country today has the opportunity to achieve their goals through perseverance, endurance, and self-education. This is what the American dream is all about. Achievement is a lifelong process that requires hard work and belief. “Tell…

Worker Vaccine Mandates

The White House is pushing vaccine mandates in any way possible. They claim it’s to keep us safe, but we are allowing large amounts of unvaccinated, unmasked, possibly infected people across the border, bringing with them new strains of coronavirus. At the same time, any mention of medicines that are working to help people already…

Washington and 9/11

The 20th anniversary of 9/11 memorializes the loss of “home” land security for the citizens of the United States. It was a gift of the wisdom and self-restraint of George Washington in that he created a constitution and a presidency that controlled the military, appointed ambassadors, and left us a template for a Pax Americana…

Victor David Hanson’s Military Oped

I enjoyed Victor David Hanson’s editorial[ “There’s a Problem in the Upper Reaches of Our Military,” published on Sept. 8,] and agree that there is something wrong with our military woke generals and admirals. After 40-plus years in the maritime field, in both the military and my own company, I see America as the Ship…

Climate Change by Nathan Worcester

Mr. Worcester’s discussion [in “The Statistical Method Used to Link Climate Change to Greenhouse Gases Challenged,” published on Sept. 8,] leaves out the defining evidence of the anomaly in the statistical analysis that Ross McKitrick has pointed out in the creation of the models. Of the 23 or so major models used by governments for…

Highly Botched Afghanistan Withdrawal and Evacuation

The United States believed the Afghan military would stand up to the Taliban, but over the years the Taliban has overcome Afghan forces in skirmishes in Afghanistan, and the Taliban showed its prowess when it conquered Afghanistan in the 90s. On July 13, 2021, a month before the Taliban overran Afghanistan, U.S. Embassy personnel sent…

COVID-19 Vaccination

I am referring to the Epoch Times Southern California article on Sept. 1–7, 2021, page 1, “California Nurses Seeking Exemptions Face Extreme Duress,” which I read with great interest. It is excellent that “Tom” is taking on this courageous and complicated task of sorting through the various hurdles that have been placed for gaining “exemptions”…

It Only Takes 3 Colors to Make a Rainbow

Happy Birthday to the American Flag, which was first flown in 1777. Many folks these days are trying to replace it with other, more trendy, and more so-called relevant flags. But our flag, “Old Glory,” will never go out of style. In my mind, it only takes three colors to make a rainbow. George Washington…