Category: Society of Actuaries

In a New Pension Plan Actuarial Standard, a Subtle Warning of Possible ‘Fire!’

Commentary Valentine’s Day, Feb. 14, closed out a state and municipal pension plan accounting regime that allowed plan managers—who are overwhelmingly politicians—to obfuscate the funding levels of their pension plans by making actuarial assumptions about anticipated rates of returns that are  largely illusory. A revision to the Actuarial Standards of Practice (ASOP) No. 4 at least…

Adults Aged 35-44 Died at Twice the Expected Rate Last Summer, Life Insurance Data Suggests

Death claims for working-age adults under group life insurance policies spiked well beyond expected levels last summer and fall, according to data from 20 of the top 21 life insurance companies in the United States. Death claims for adults aged 35-44 were 100 percent higher than expected in July, August, and September of 2021, according to…