Category: Simon Fraser University

Scientific Adviser Resigns From Health Canada, Calls for Overhaul of Pesticide Rules

An independent scientific adviser has resigned from a Health Canada committee on pesticide management over concerns about a lack of transparency and scientific oversight. Dr. Bruce Lanphear, a health sciences professor at Simon Fraser University, stepped down as the co-chair of the Health Canada scientific advisory committee on pest control products on June 27. In…

‘Closer Eye to the Skies:’ Researcher Sees Uptick in Sightings of UFOs

Canada’s preeminent ufologist has seen an uptick in reported sightings of unidentified flying objects in recent days suggesting more Canadians are turning their eyes to the sky after U.S. fighter jets shot down three separate objects over the weekend. Chris Rutkowski, with Ufology Research in Winnipeg, has been collecting and analyzing Canadian data on unidentified…