Category: Shen Yun and Healing

Doctor: ‘Nothing I Do Can Match Up With What Shen Yun Does for My Patients’

Dr. Jingduan Yang mostly sees patients who have failed to respond to conventional modern medical treatments and who seek him out because other treatments didn’t work. Modern medicine focuses primarily on the structure and the chemistry of the human body, but “without appreciation of human energetics,” Yang said. Yang is an acupuncturist and a psychiatrist…

The Positive Energy Behind Shen Yun’s ‘Healing’ Effects

A disabled marine veteran walked into a Shen Yun performance with chronic pain but left feeling only relief and gratitude. A man suffering greatly from the effects of cancer heard Shen Yun’s unique music and that night began his journey of healing. Headaches disappear, worries of the day melt away. It’s not even uncommon for…