Category: Salt

3 Bad Things Happen When You Completely Cut Salt From Your Diet

Salt, also called sodium chloride, is a mineral that plays an important role in maintaining fluid balance, muscle function, and nerve transmission in the human body. In recent years, there has been a trend toward reducing salt intake to improve overall health. But what would happen if you were to eliminate salt entirely from your…

Can Salt Raise Risks of Heart Attack and Stroke?

Swedish researchers have found that eating excessive amounts of salt is linked with clogged arteries, which is known to be associated with increased risks of heart attack and stroke, in a new paper published in the European Heart Journal on March 31. This is the first study to examine the association between a high salt…

FDA Seeks to Allow Salt Substitutes in Everyday Foods

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on Friday said it was proposing a rule to allow the use of salt substitutes in everyday foods including cheese, frozen peas, and canned tuna, in a bid to cut Americans’ salt consumption. The FDA had in 2021 set a new voluntary goal for manufacturers and chain restaurants to…

Salt Is Crucial for Quick Recovery From 8 Everyday Ailments

Salt is an important condiment in daily life and helps maintain the normal functioning of the body. Too much salt intake can easily lead to high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease, but cooking without salt can also lead to hyponatremia, which happens when your blood sodium level is too low. In addition to its nutritional…

Salt–An Essential Dietary Nutrient

Everyone likes to talk about the good ol’ days, and in food circles, we hark back to ancestral diets that were more natural and more nutritious. However, in one respect, modern people enjoy a huge advantage over their ancestors: Everybody in the world today has access to plentiful, inexpensive salt. An interesting article on the…

What Happens When You Eat Too Little Salt?

Few would argue that the Western diet contains too much salt. Not just salty, processed foods that are so readily available at convenience stores and even gas stations that we probably shouldn’t be eating anyway but all the salt we add to our meals as well. In fact, it’s often observed that people will add…

The Salt Controversy

Is eating too much salt truly harmful? Mainstream medical advice and routine doctor visits may have convinced you that this is a clear-cut “yes,” but the science is anything but uniform. So why isn’t that reflected in common clinical practice? The salt controversy does more than raise questions about how much salt is too much;…

Eat These ‘Salt-Removing’ Foods to Help Decrease Mortality Risk by 20 Percent

Eating overly salty foods and consuming too much salt can cause high blood pressure, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, cancers, and many other diseases in the long run. Fortunately, some “salt-removing foods” can help reduce this burden on our body. It’s not that salt isn’t good or necessary for our health. People often recommend cutting salty or…

Fluffy Salt Crystals Are Not Mold

I routinely presume that people know all about efflorescence, but in fact many don’t understand it at all. I’m referring to the fluffy white deposits you might find on your concrete floors, brick walls or basement walls. It’s harmless salt, but people often mistake it for mold. A few years ago, in early spring, I…

Why the War on Salt Is Dangerous

Do you still believe the myth that salt is bad for your blood pressure? If you examine the evidence, you’ll quickly see that your risk for hypertension and heart disease is far more dependent on your ratio of this other mineral, and not sodium. And if you eat the standard American foods, your ratio is…