Category: rising crime

PREMIERING NOW: California’s Vanishing Dream: Behind the Rise in Crime | Documentary

For the past decade, crime in California has been escalating at an astonishing pace. And with no end in sight, the significant impact on residents and business owners is causing Californians to take necessary measures to protect their lives and property. What is behind the rise in the brazen behavior and steady deterioration of our…

California’s Vanishing Dream: Behind the Rise in Crime | Documentary

For the past decade, crime in California has been escalating at an astonishing pace. And with no end in sight, the significant impact on residents and business owners is causing Californians to take necessary measures to protect their lives and property. What is behind the rise in the brazen behavior and steady deterioration of our…

[PREMIERING 05/14, 6PM ET] California’s Vanishing Dream: Behind the Rise in Crime | Documentary

For the past decade, crime in California has been escalating at an astonishing pace. And with no end in sight, the significant impact on residents and business owners is causing Californians to take necessary measures to protect their lives and property. What is behind the rise in the brazen behavior and steady deterioration of our…

People Are Fed Up With Rising Crime in California | Larry Elder

A neighborhood in Southern California recently canceled mail delivery service because of attacks on mail carriers, and the move has shined a spotlight on the crime wave spreading across the Los Angeles area. Larry Elder talked to Fox News about how local officials might be finally rethinking their assumptions about progressive policies because the effects…