Category: pipeline project

Alberta Court’s Overturning of Liberals’ Environmental Impact Law Marks ‘Principled Approach’ to Federalism: Law Prof

The recent ruling by the Alberta Court of Appeal that the federal government’s Impact Assessment Act (IAA) is unconstitutional may show that the court has a “principled approach” toward federalism that’s more consistent with earlier jurisprudence, says a constitutional law expert. “Other courts are approaching federalism in Canada a little bit differently today, and the Alberta…

Keystone XL Cancellation: Retaliate, Demand Compensation, or Move On?

The decision by the Biden administration to cancel the permit for the Keystone XL pipeline continues to make waves, with the premiers of Alberta and Saskatchewan calling for retaliatory measures and holding out hope, while Canada’s ambassador to the United States says it’s time to move on. U.S. President Joe Biden cancelled the US$8 billion…