Category: passover

Passover and Easter: An All-Inclusive Message

The celebration of Passover and Easter reminds us of the bitterness and tribulation of bondage. The historical background of these holidays points Jews and Christians toward atonement, reconciliation, and freedom. While many see the Jews as celebrating a Jewish holiday and Christians celebrating a Christian holiday, they are actually commemorating the same thing—which is that…

This Delicious ‘Kit Kat’ Recipe Is Passover-Approved

When I was a line cook at a small restaurant in Richmond, Virginia, although my station was savory, I was often called upon to come up with desserts. At the time, my fellow chefs grumbled about having to dip into the pastry side of the kitchen, but I didn’t mind. Despite my culinary school background,…

New York Times Chooses Passover and Easter to Mock God and the Bible

Commentary On the eve of Passover, on Good Friday, The New York Times published an opinion piece on God, the Bible, and Passover. This would not be noteworthy except for the fact that the piece mocked all three. The two titles of the piece (one in the print edition and one for the Times’ digital…

Follow This Recipe to Make the Ultimate Passover Dessert

Considering I’m the co-author of an entire icebox cake cookbook, it’s safe to say I’m a big fan of the no-bake treat. And because Passover is almost upon us, I wondered what it might be like to replace cookies with matzos in order to create a seder-worthy version. A little Googling revealed that when folks create cakes from…

Round out Your Perfect Passover Spread With This Sweet Treat

Treating friends and family with a homemade dessert symbolizes love in our family. Therefore, I’m always on the lookout for easy desserts that transport well and make a bunch of servings. Bar cookies and small cakes to the rescue. These cheesecake bars, destined for our friend’s Passover gathering, prove easier to make than cheesecake. A crisp crust,…

Savory Matzo Brei Is a Passover Favorite

Growing up, I watched my mother prepare the crackly matzos into soft sponges by putting them under warm water. It’s a memory I happily connect with. We always had this famous Ashkenazi dish during the week of Passover. Often, we’d have it for breakfast along with a big drizzle of Log Cabin syrup. Sometimes my mom…

Pastor of Calgary Church Unrepentant for Kicking Out Police

The pastor of the Calgary church who shared a video on Facebook documenting how he ordered police and health officials to leave his Passover service during the Easter weekend, says police have come to his church doors before but this was the first time they came in uninvited. “They have been harassing us for 13…

Pastor of Calgary Church Undeterred After Kicking Out Police

The pastor of the Calgary church who shared a video on Facebook documenting how he ordered police and health officials to leave his Passover service during the Easter weekend, says police have come to his church doors before but this was the first time they came in uninvited. “They have been harassing us for 13…

Let My People Go: Passover and Slavery in Iraq

Commentary On March 28, Jews around the world will sit down and feast, some outside in balmy weather in Israel, California, and in the hotels of the Gulf Arab states that are now at peace with the Jewish State. The rest of us in the temperate world will celebrate on Zoom. The story that is…

An Irresistible Snack for Passover and Beyond

This festive morsel is truly addicting. I witnessed its power in my own kitchen with my husband nearby all day long, looking to sneak small handfuls. Then I took it to friends who finished their portions so quickly I couldn’t believe it. It was then that I realized the appeal of this delicious snack. While…