Category: Nazism

[PREMIERING at 11:00AM ET] Psychologist Explains Why Societies Go Mad

In this brilliantly insightful episode of Over the Target, Michael Rectenwald, author of “The Great Reset and the Struggle for Liberty,” speaks with Lee Smith about the Polish doctor who lived through Nazism and communism and unlocked “the general laws of the origin of evil.” …

Psychologist Explains Why Societies Go Mad

In this brilliantly insightful episode of Over the Target, Michael Rectenwald, author of “The Great Reset and the Struggle for Liberty,” speaks with Lee Smith about the Polish doctor who lived through Nazism and communism and unlocked “the general laws of the origin of evil.” …

People Showing Nazi Symbols in Two Australian States to Face Jail

People showing Nazi symbols will face jail time or fines under proposed laws in Queensland and Tasmania amid intense concern about a recent neo-Nazi protest in Melbourne. Victoria and NSW have already criminalised the display of Nazi symbols, while bans are also planned in Western Australia and the Australian Capital Territory. Queensland Attorney-General Shannon Fentiman…

Nice People Do a Lot of Damage

Commentary It can be said that gaining wisdom is a process of gaining some dark insights into life. One such insight is this: A lot of evil has been abetted by nice people. By “nice,” I am referring to the way people comport themselves in the personal realm. We refer to people as being “nice”…

Trudeau Honours Victims of Communism and Nazism on Black Ribbon Day

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau honoured the victims and survivors of communism and Nazism that terrorized the European countries, in a statement marking Black Ribbon Day on Aug. 23. “Today, we join people from around the world to honour the victims and survivors of communism and Nazism in Europe, and pledge to continue standing up for…

Yes, They Were Socialists: How the Nazis Waged War on Private Property

Commentary  When the average person thinks of the Nazis, what often comes to mind is World War II, the Holocaust, and rousing speeches of hate. However, the National Socialists also had economic and political policies, policies many just assume were either free market or New Deal-style public works projects like the Autobahn. But Nazi policy…

The Subtle Forms of Antisemitism in Australia

Commentary Many Australians assume that antisemitism—the hatred of Jews—is a cloud seldom casting a shadow over our landscape. And we can be thankful that in this country, attacks on synagogues, assaults on Jewish people, or vandalised Jewish cemeteries are rare occurrences. But the spectre of antisemitism still stalks the land. Physical assaults and verbal slurs…

The Dark Origins of Communism Ep. 4: Rise of Global Tyranny

Nazism and fascism are often framed as far-right ideologies. Yet, both systems are rooted in communism, and their policies are strikingly close to modern-day socialist movements. How did these systems emerge? And what are their policies? We unravel the misunderstandings around the political dichotomies of a “right” and a “left.” – Follow EpochTV on social…

[Premiering at 8PM ET on September 18] The Dark Origins of Communism Ep. 4: Rise of Global Tyranny

Nazism and fascism are often framed as far-right ideologies. Yet, both systems are rooted in communism, and their policies are strikingly close to modern-day socialist movements. How did these systems emerge? And what are their policies? We unravel the misunderstandings around the political dichotomies of a “right” and a “left.” – Follow EpochTV on social…