Category: muscle strength decline

Extra Protein Does Not Enlarge Muscles

A review of 49 studies on a total of 1800 weightlifters, who lifted at least twice a week for at least six weeks, found that doubling the recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) of protein increased strength gains by nine percent and added about a pound of muscle (British Journal of Sports Medicine, Mar 1,2018;52(6):376-384). With aging,…

Slowing Down Muscle Aging Should Start at the Age of 40: Medical experts

Sarcopenia, the loss of muscle mass and strength, is one of the signs indicating the aging of the entire human body. Nowadays, sarcopenia is observed in people in their forties, and has become a health issue worthy of attention. Specifically, decreased muscle elasticity and tension, commonly known as muscle weakness, makes people feel feeble and…