Category: moral decay

The Transgressive Road to Slavery

Commentary Picture today’s quintessential TikTok star with her (or is it “zer”?) unheard-of gender identity, unpronounceable pronouns, and glorified mental illness. Picture those woke college professors who rail against “anti-messiness,” “pro-niceness,” and organized pantries. Listen to modern relationship “experts” who basically just say ignore all traditional mores, be as promiscuous as possible, never get married, and never…

Moral Decay Has Gripped America Through Education System

Commentary Right now, the United States appears to be suffering from a sort of moral decay, which threatens to quite literally rip the country apart. If the United States is to be saved, then this decay must be addressed. But before addressing it, we must first get our definitions in order. Moral decay is a slippery term, extremely difficult to…

The Virtue of Self-Restraint in Expression

Commentary Two or three generations ago, a common parental admonishment was, “Hold your tongue!” There’s a lot to be said for controlling that impulsive little bodily member (see James 3:1-10). It shows both consideration for the feelings of others and demonstrates mastery over one’s own reckless and destructive impulses. Social standards often swing like a…