Category: leucism

Photographer Captures Footage of Extremely Rare White Killer Whale Calf Spotted off California Coast

A rare white orca calf has been spotted off the coast of southern California. “It’s already rare to see orcas in this area, let alone a white one,” said Mark Girardeau, an experienced drone pilot and wildlife photographer based in Orange County. This orca, nicknamed Frosty, is thought to have a condition known as leucism,…

Photographer Captures Stunning Images of Rare White Dolphin ‘Casper’ in Monterey Bay

A rare white dolphin, dubbed Casper, has been delighting whale watchers in Monterey Bay, California. The striking swimmer has been known to the bay for over six years and is a firm favorite among marine mammal enthusiasts. “There are not a lot of areas where dolphins can be spotted close to shore. It’s like the…

Lobsterman Catches Ultra-Rare Yellow Lobster, Dubbed ‘Banana,’ Deemed 1 in 30 Million Catch

An extraordinary ocean discovery has spurred scientific inquiry after a lobsterman caught a yellow-hued lobster with a genetic mutation so rare, it only affects 1 in every 30 million lobsters. Upon catching the rare crustacean, lobsterman Marley Babb donated it to the University of New England’s Marine Science Center in Biddeford. The lobster was affectionately…