Category: Kim Witczak

How Money, Government, and Big Pharma Are Intricately Intertwined

“There’s a systemic problem with our whole drug safety system,” Kim Witczak says. “I like to call it a spider web. That’s the premise I start from. It’s a big business full of conflicts of interest.” In a recent episode of “American Thought Leaders,” host Jan Jekielek spoke with Witczak, whose beloved husband died from…

Big Pharma’s ‘Spiderweb’ of Influence on US Medical Ecosystem: Drug Safety Advocate

For nearly 20 years, Kim Witczak has been an advocate for pharmaceutical drug safety and reform, most recently pushing for COVID-19 vaccine transparency and accountability. Witczak was propelled into this work by the suicide of her husband of 10 years, which was alleged to have been caused by the anti-depressant Zoloft, prescribed for his insomnia….