Category: injuries

2 Horses Die From Injuries at Churchill Downs, Bringing Total to 12 at Home of Kentucky Derby

LOUISVILLE, Ky.—Two horses have died the past two days following injuries at Churchill Downs, the 11th and 12th fatalities over the past month at the home of the Kentucky Derby. Mare Kimberley Dream was euthanized after sustaining a distal sesamodean ligament rupture to her front leg during Saturday’s first race. Lost in Limbo was euthanized…

E-Scooter Collisions Caused Over 240 Injuries in 2022: Transport Department

More than 240 pedestrians in Britain were injured or killed as a result of a collision with an e-scooter last year, according to the Department for Transport (DfT). In the 243 recorded instances of collisions, 62 pedestrians were seriously injured and one person died. The DfT also reported 180 cases when pedestrians received slight injuries….

US Soccer Officials to Discuss Head Injuries as 4 More Ex-players Diagnosed With CTE

English soccer star Jimmy Fryatt was known for his ability to head the ball, and the proof of his prowess may be in the damage it did to his brain. Still physically fit in his late 70s, Fryatt played tennis but couldn’t keep score or remember which side of the net he was supposed to…

[Premiering Now] Vaccine Injured Americans Get Troubling News from Government | Facts Matter

Last month, for the first time ever, 3 people received compensation from the US government for the injuries that they sustained from the COVID-19 vaccine. However, at the moment, there are still over 7,700 people still awaiting a decision regarding their compensation cases. To this day, 362 applications have been flatly denied. However, what appears…

[Premiering 5/16, 2PM ET] mRNA Vaccine Injury Victims Denied Compensation by US Officials Despite Diagnoses | Facts Matter

Last month, for the first time ever, 3 people received compensation from the US government for the injuries that they sustained from the COVID-19 vaccine. However, at the moment, there are still over 7,700 people still awaiting a decision regarding their compensation cases. To this day, 362 applications have been flatly denied. However, what appears…

[Premiering 5/16, 2PM ET] Vaccine Injured Americans Get Troubling News from Government | Facts Matter

Last month, for the first time ever, 3 people received compensation from the US government for the injuries that they sustained from the COVID-19 vaccine. However, at the moment, there are still over 7,700 people still awaiting a decision regarding their compensation cases. To this day, 362 applications have been flatly denied. However, what appears…

mRNA Vaccine Injury Victims Get Denied Compensation by US Officials, Despite Diagnoses | Facts Matter

Last month, for the first time ever, 3 people received compensation from the US government for the injuries that they sustained from the Covid-19 vaccine. However, at the moment, there are still over 7,700 people still awaiting a decision regarding their compensation cases. To this day, 362 applications have been flatly denied. However, what appears…

[Premiering 5/16, 2PM ET] mRNA Vaccine Injury Victims Get Denied Compensation by US Officials, Despite Diagnoses | Facts Matter

Last month, for the first time ever, 3 people received compensation from the US government for the injuries that they sustained from the Covid-19 vaccine. However, at the moment, there are still over 7,700 people still awaiting a decision regarding their compensation cases. To this day, 362 applications have been flatly denied. However, what appears…

Doctors Concerned Avocado Hand Injuries on the Rise

Coinciding with the rise in consumption of the fruit, doctors are seeing more cases of the “avocado hand”—a condition that occurs when a person tries to remove the seed in a dangerous manner and ends up cutting their hand. According to Hass Avocado Board, avocado consumption has tripled since 2000, with Mexico and the U.S….

Avocado Hand: When You Plan to Eat and Avocado and Stab Yourself Instead

Coinciding with the rise in consumption of the fruit, doctors are seeing more cases of the “avocado hand”—a condition that occurs when a person tries to remove the seed in a dangerous manner and ends up cutting their hand. According to Hass Avocado Board, avocado consumption has tripled since 2000, with Mexico and the U.S….