Category: hydrocarbons

John Robson: Inflation, High Gas Prices Should Have Been Predictable

Commentary British Prime Minister Harold Macmillan apparently once told a journalist the hardest thing about politics was “Events, my dear boy, events.” They have a way of happening, and surprising you. But sometimes, as my old music teacher used to say in his rare moments of lucidity, “It’s not the instrument, it’s you.” Sometimes the…

Expanding Canadian Hydrocarbon Production Could Hurt Russia Economically, Bergen says

With Canada steadily increasing sanctions on Russia to respond to its invasion of Ukraine, the Conservative Party is calling for the government to use the country’s hydrocarbon resources to hurt Russia economically. “Safety, security, sovereignty—those must be all top priorities for any government, and it should be Canada’s priority especially now,” said interim Conservative leader…

Ottawa Pursues Ontario’s Failed Energy Policies as Ex-Premier Admits Mistakes: Expert

Ex-Ontario Liberal Premier Kathleen Wynne says she gives herself a low score on the energy file in a recent interview with Maclean’s, and an affordable energy advocate is warning that the federal government is going down the same road Ontario took. “I score myself very low on the electricity price. I believed that the investments…