Category: Homo Faber

Cherishing Japan’s ‘Living National Treasure’ Tradition

Japanese photographer Rinko Kawauchi has captured a serene and timeless scene as silk-weaver Sonoko Saskia kneels while she spins silk floss into yarn on her spinning wheel. Sonoko’s traditional kimono and spinning wheel hark back to the past, yet she makes her raw silk, known as “pongee,” today. Sonoko uses traditional methods. She makes dyes…

A Guardian for European Fine Craftsmanship

One of the greatest joys of travel is happenstance, and for several years now the pandemic has robbed us of such foreign joys. Many artisans reliant on tourists and in-person visits have suffered financially because of endless lockdowns. For instance, the UK-based Heritage Crafts Association found that the stress of running a business during a pandemic…