Category: hippocratic oath

Is There a Doctor in the House?

“First, do no harm.” Although this admonition never appears verbatim in the Hippocratic oath—a classic translation states that healers of the sick “abstain from whatever is deleterious and mischievous”—most of today’s health care professionals take these words to heart. They avoid harm by examining and diagnosing patients before proceeding to a treatment. Unfortunately, a lot…

‘Resist, Wake Up, Stop Obeying:’ Holocaust Survivor Draws Parallels in Current Society to Nazi Germany

Vera Sharav was only 3 years old when her world collapsed. She and her family were chased out of Romania and herded into a concentration camp in Ukraine during World War II, where they were left to wait, and starve. “The cloud of death was always there,” Sharav told The Epoch Times. Weekly, a list…

What Would Hippocrates Say? Roe v. Wade, Abortion, and a Disappearing Oath

If you sought out a physician in 4th century B.C. Greece seeking an abortion, chances are, you would be out of luck. Ditto for 2nd century Rome. Or 10th century France. Or just about anywhere thereafter, prior to the advent of the 20th century. It just wasn’t done. Or at least, it wasn’t in good…

What the Destruction of the Hippocratic Oath Means for Society

Amidst the Omicron variant era of the pandemic, secondary disasters have been constantly taking place in many cities in communist China under strict lockdown. Some hospitals flat our refuse patients that don’t have a nucleic acid amplification Covid test report, leading to multiple deaths of people who could not receive treatment. What has caused these…

Australian Utilitarianism Ideology Has Diminished the Hippocratic Oath

Commentary Assuming we still aspire to live in societies governed by rational standards, we must try to explain the strange reluctance of political and public health elites to acknowledge the harm COVID-19 vaccines have inflicted on many ordinary Australians. Why has an entire section of society embraced the idea that it is OK to throw…

Australian Utilitarianism Diminishing the Hippocratic Oath

Commentary Assuming we still aspire to live in societies governed by rational standards, we must try to explain the strange reluctance of political and public health elites to acknowledge the harm COVID-19 vaccines have inflicted on many ordinary Australians. Why has an entire section of society embraced the idea that it is OK to throw…