Category: girls’ sports

Vermont League Kicks out School’s Sports Teams Over Refusal to Pit Girls Against Transgender Basketballer

Because the girls’ basketball team at a Vermont Christian school refused to play against a team with a transgender-identifying boy, all athletes at their school—girls and boys—will suffer the consequences. The Vermont Principals’ Association (VPA), representing 300 schools across the state, has kicked out Mid Vermont Christian School (MVCS) from its league. That includes all…

Republican Senators Reintroduce Bill to Ban Biological Males From Girls Sports

Republican senators reintroduced a bill on March 1 aimed at protecting female athletes and ensuring fairness and safety in women’s sports across the United States. The “Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act,” first introduced unsuccessfully in 2021, would preserve Title IX protections for female athletes, which ban discrimination on the basis of sex in sports…

22 States Sue Over ‘Gender Identity’ Rule Controlling $29 Billion For Poor Kids’ Meals

Twenty-two states are suing President Joe Biden’s administration for threatening to zap school-meal program funding unless the states comply with new rules surrounding gender identity and sexual orientation in schools. The lawsuit represents the latest volley fired in the ongoing battles between state officials and Biden, who they accuse of usurping their authority through his…