Category: frustration

A Playbook for Dealing With Life’s Frustrating Moments

I was angry enough to rip the closet doors off the wall and smash them to pieces with a hammer. Rewind about two hours: My wife kindly asked if I could fix the kids’ sliding closet doors, which had been falling off their tracks for several months. I had been strategically “prioritizing” other projects to…

How to Find Calm and Be Less Frustrated

One of the most common sources of difficulty for most of us is frustration—we can get frustrated with the smallest things throughout the day. And yet, becoming aware of how often we’re frustrated doesn’t quite solve the problem. Someone pointing out that you’re frustrated only makes you more irritated. How can we let go of…

Everything Is a Practice

I have a client who has completely changed his life—it’s been a complete transformation, and it’s breathtaking. One of the most powerful things he’s brought into his life is the practice of self-compassion. It changed everything. But one of the next most powerful things he created for himself is the view that everything is a…

Kicking Frustration to the Curb

Modern life comes with a clutter of frustrations unimaginable to our ancestors. Recently, my laptop was having problems. The young man in the repair shop discovered that I was years behind on my updates, and after about four hours, he had added the updates and fixed the problem. He even cleaned the keyboard and screen,…